Lesson task: Think about the following four riddles and give your answer to each.
- A man is replacing a wheel on his car, when he accidentally drops the four nuts used to hold the wheel on the car. They fall in to a deep drain, irretrievably lost. A passing girl offers him a solution that enables him to drive home. What is it?
Well he’s in luck because the girl has a spare wheel in her trunk for emergencies with four extra nuts. She loans him the spare wheel with the extra four nuts.
- Two Russians walk down a street in Moscow. One Russian is the father of the other Russian’s son. How are the related?
She is the mother of his child.
- What occurs once in June, once in July and two times in August?
The letter U.
- Six drinking glasses stand in a row, with the first three full of water and the next three empty. By handling and moving only one glass at a time, how can you arrange the six glasses so that no full glass stands next to another full glass, and no empty glass stands next to another empty glass? What is the minimum number of moves to solve this puzzle?

You poor the water from the second glass in glass number five. So, only one move.