
CA01 - Interactive Website

We were asked to create an interactive website using Webflow for a fictitious non-profit foundation that raises awareness around the major impacts plastic pollution has on our marine life. With simple information and infographics that will keep the viewer engaged.



CA02 - Rebranding Rollut
We were asked to rebrand the visual identity for the online retail distributor Rollut. With the possibility of expanding to new customers and the international markets the Rollut name will be changed to Rollout. The Company recognised the need for developing a new logo and visual identity. Rollout would also need suitable packaging for their new house brand products, delivery packaging and branding on delivery vans.

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CA03 - Graphic Design History Folded Leaflet

We were asked to create a folded leaflet with a graphic design history timeline. The timeline had to include the styles and periods from the 1950s until today. It is important to grasp how graphic design has developed through the ages and what role the social circumstances of the time played.

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CA04 - Product Advertising

We were asked to create an A2 poster advertising a product of our choice. The product image needed to be superimposed over a low-light background image that we also needed to photograph. The images need to work well together and complement each other, both visually and conceptually.

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Semester Project 2 - The Oslo Baking Festival

We were asked to promote a three day baking festival in our hometown. An event that brings baking and cake enthusiasts together. The following elements needed to be included: a logo, poster, program, ticket bracelets, t-shirts and a brand manual.

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