For this assignment, you will need to explain the anatomy of type in a visual way.
You may use a single unique typeface, or utilize up to three different typefaces for this execution. We would like you to experiment with the design; enlarge or reduce the font size, cut out sections of the various letters or overlap parts – as long as the visual message is clearly expressed to the viewer. Choose three different colors for the execution. Out of these three, choose one main color. The remaining two colors can be used sparingly or as accent colors. For example, description text could be in one color, and the parts of the letterforms in the two remaining colors. Show at least three terms on each of the sheets, for example x-height, cap height, body size, counter, serif, ascender, bowl, baseline, stress/axis, stroke weight and bracketed serif.
The explanatory copy can be taken from the textbook (pp. 66-68). The format should be a 210 x 210 mm square.