You have to design packaging for rice. The packaging has to be different to what is out there in the market. Apply each one of the SCAMPER techniques and do a write-up on your findings. Then choose the option you think would work best and do a sketch of what the packaging would look like.
I really enjoyed this task, it was super fun and I had an idea almost right away about the style of the packaging I wanted to create. I get so much inspiration from my children. They are always playing, making and creating this amazing stuff from food containers/boxes. So this was a fun challenge to make my rice packaging using the SCAMPER techniques.
Substitute something
I would start with a hard-paper packaging that is environment friendly and make it look like a cone. Fun and beautiful packaging and colors.
Combine it with something else
I would make them portion sized cones. Easy to use, just add water and salt. one for 2 portions, 4 portions, 6 portions. Three different sized cones in different colors.
Adapt something to it
We already have the boil in bag rice. Rice that you boil in a plastic bag. I wanted to get rid of the plastic and have a portion sized cone with the right amount of rice, so all you have to do is add some water and salt. Everybody loves a smart and easy solution to making your everyday life run a little bit smoother. So by taking out the plastic you get a more environment friendly packaging for your rice.
Modify or Magnify it
I love seasoned rice. I mean who doesn’t? So I wanted to make them available. Portion sized packaging with different type of rice and seasoned/flavored rice as well.
Put it to other uses
My son Noah absolutely loves playing with empty food containers/boxes. Cutting, drawing and making stuff with them. I thought about that when deciding to make the rice packaging a cone. So when you poor the rice in the boiling water you can give your children the packaging and they can play with it using it as a hat or a beak or making a tipi tent for their toys while you cook. For those without children may just wanna spice up their cooking using it as a cool cooking hat.
Eliminating something
I have eliminated the plastic from the popular boil in bag rice. Making the packaging more environment friendly. It prevents food waste when you only make as many portions as you need. The hard-paper cone you recycle when you are done using it.
Reverse or Rearrange it
Hard to sell? Maybe people want big bags of rice for the convenience. I could have made a environment friendly container for rice also? Maybe I could have displayed them the other way making them look like hats displayed in the store just by turning them around.
Her are my first drafts and mood board with the rice packaging design.

Mood board and rice packaging design.