Lesson Task – Print Preparation

Question 1

Design your own printing checklist form.

Question 2

  • Use the magazine style brochure that you designed in Module 5. Add a spot varnish to the cover and change the design to use spot colours. (You are welcome also make layout changes if you want to.) For your magazine, use a spot varnish for the cover and design it using two spot colours.
  • Make use of your checklist that you designed and prepare the file for print.
  • Decide what paper weight and type you will use. 
  • Decide what type of binding you will use, for example, saddle stich, perfect bind, etc. (See the printing terms link.)
  • Upload the print-ready PDF to your blog and post screenshots of your packaged files, and instructions.

Make sure to include the instructions (like spot varnish, paper choice and binding) in the file.

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