Lesson Task – Put Thought Into Your Design

Design a 5-page website or blog to promote your hometown (or any other place if you so choose). Present your design along with a strategy that explains the decisions you’ve made during the design process (keep the six steps mentioned in the lesson Web Design Process: Designing for Web (part 2) in mind). Remember, it’s important for …

Lesson Task – Design Different Looks

Copy the exact content from a homepage of a website of your choice. Now redesign this homepage in three different ways. Each design should evoke a different emotional response from viewers. You can choose what you would like these emotional responses to be. Please upload this activity to your WordPress blog along with a short …

Lesson Task – Providing Your Own Hosting Service

This lesson Task is to acquire your own hosting service. This hosting service will be needed throughout the rest of your studies, and this Learning Activity is therefore mandatory. For this lesson task we had to acquire our own hosting service. I chose one.com that was recommended by the school. I chose the beginner plan …

Lesson Task – Get The Basics Right – Part 2

Part 2 Surf the web and find 10 sites you would consider to be great websites. Simultaneously, make a list of 10 sites you consider bad web sites. Remember to describe why you would define them as such. Upload your lists on your blog. GREAT AND BAD WEBSITE EXAMPLES: GOOD: https://www.finn.no/ Easy to navigate. Fast …

Lesson Task – Get The Basics Right – Part 1

Explain the following terms in your own words: – The Internet– HTML– Browser– Search engine Please research and add another 10 questions to the briefing process.(See the lesson.) From this list of 20 questions (your 10 added to my 10), please create the ultimate list of 10 questions that you would use for clients. The …