Design a poster for a band’s gig. The band is called: “The Keystrokes.”
You can decide the name of the band’s tour and remember to include a date, a time and a venue.
You can use a visuals and/or typography to design the poster and remember to make the type work with the rest of the design. Show us your type skills in this one. Use an A3 format at 297 x 420mm.
Expand your design to include a pamphlet that outlines dates and further details of the tour i.e. merchandise available: T-shirts, caps and CDs or a promotion – Free drink on arrival.
Remember this design must be consistent with your poster design. The pamphlet can be any size or format. Have a look online for inspiration.
This Lesson Task was a lot of fun and a lot of work. The first thing I did was trying to picture what kind of band The Keystrokes are. What is the meaning of the name of the band.
Keystroke – One touch of one of the keys on a computer or a typewriter.
With that information I could se a modern all American country band telling beautiful stories with their music. Hence the tour name “The stories tour”. I couldn’t get the typewriter out of my head so I felt I had to include that in my poster. I took my pen and paper and started sketching. Here is my sketch of what I wanted my poster to look like. My finished Gig poster looks nothing like this because I had a lot of trouble finding the right picture that I was allowed to use for free that matched what I was looking for. So I used this for inspiration and I also found some good inspiration from some old Johnny Cash Posters. #Legend. If anyone is wondering about how I got my sketch to look so “Oldish” I spilled half a glass of cola zero over it and luckily it just went over my sketchbook with that one sketch in it and a little bit over another book missing my keyboard with an inch. Note to self “only drink from a bottle when working on the computer”.

Then I went internet hunting for a good picture to use for my gig poster background. I found a good website that have free high-resolution pictures that I could use. So I typed in the word typewriter and found a really cool picture of the strings to the keys of a typewriter, that would be perfect to use as my posters background including the typewriter from another angel. So Thank you @Anna Dudelin (darkroomstudios) for that. The finished poster turned out so much better than I could imagined after a slight depressing typewriter picture fail.
This Lesson was about our type skills and how to make a great looking gig poster with everything working together. I’ve ended up using only three different typefaces. I used the Lucida sans typewriter (bold) for “Keystrokes” and for the pamphlet tour dates and places. The “THE” I used Casteller without filling in the stroke. For the rest of the text I used the Poiret One typeface. This one I really love, its clean, simple and beautiful. I used it in Uppercase and lowercase letters and in different sizes and some without filling in the stroke like in the “The stories tour 2020” part on the poster. I also used a lot of the transparency feature for the background and some of the text. On the pamphlet background I added another layer of grey with transparency over the background picture for a better look and also so you could read the text better. In the pamphlet I chose a t-shirt for merchandise. I had a lot of help from Nigel French video “designing a poster” in making of my gig poster. I learned a lot from this lesson task working my way in Illustrator. So here it is: My Keystrokes gig poster A3 size.

Pamphlet A4 size:

Hope you like it. I am really proud and happy with how they turned out.